Is Your Dog's Bad Breath Killing Him?

Doggie Bad Breath Could Be A Sign Of Gum Disease (Or Far Worse)...

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It's True According To The American Animal Health Association...

 The #1 Sign Of Dental Disease Is Bad Breath

And Here's The Scary Part...

FACT:Gum Disease Is The #1 Illness Affecting Our Pets

(Their breath is their only way to tell you)

Special Alert:
From The American Veterinary Dental College

"Bad Breath Is A Sign Of Gum Disease."

Unfortunately, other than bad breath, there are few signs of the disease process evident to the owner, and professional dental cleaning.

"Gum Disease Can Kill Your Dog."

As a result, periodontal disease is usually under-treated, and may cause multiple problems in the oral cavity and may be associated with damage to internal organs in some patients as they age.

How Gum Disease Starts:

Whenever your pup eats, plaque is formed from bits of food and bacteria that collect around the gum line. If this plaque isn’t removed, in just a few days, it will harden into tartar that sticks to your dog’s teeth.

Tartar irritates the gums, resulting in inflammation, also known as “gingivitis”. Many times this will first rear its ugly head as bad breath.

(You can also see your dog’s gums turning from a healthy pink color to red at this point.)

You Want To Avoid THIS (It's Bad):

Tartar Build Up

If the tartar isn’t removed it will build up under your dog’s gums. This can cause the gums to pull away from the teeth, creating small open spaces that act as collection points for even more bacteria.

This picture below shows you what I'm talking about:

WARNING: If the problem progresses to this point, your dog has developed irreversible periodontal disease.

Causing pain, abscess, infection, loose teeth and even bone loss - you must have a daily dental plan to help promote healthy gums and prevent this from happening.

Gum Disease Can Lead To:

  • Heart Disease
  • Kidney Failure
  • Liver Disease

Breaking New Study Shows The Link Between Gum Disease And Heart Disease:

Studies clearly show a significant link between periodontal disease and heart disease in both humans and dogs. Yet, it's still not know exactly how one leads to the other.

Researchers suspect the culprit is bacteria in the mouth which enters the bloodstream.
It works like this...

When the surface of the gums is weakened it can become compromised.

The breakdown of the gum tissue opens the door for the bacteria to enter your dog’s bloodstream.

Unfortunately, if your pup’s immune system doesn’t kill off the bacteria in her mouth it then begins to circulate in her blood, giving it the chance to reach the heart and infect it.

The link between dental and heart disease was discovered in a recent study involving 60,000 dogs with some stage of periodontal disease (and 60,000 without) conducted by Dr. Larry Glickman at Purdue University.

"Gum Disease Can Lead To Heart Disease."

"Our data show a clear statistical link between gum disease and heart disease in dogs," says Dr. Glickman. "For many candidates for heart disease, you're not talking about a single cause. But it clearly speaks to more emphasis on dental care."
Source: Dr. Glickman, Purdue University

This is why good daily dental care is so important for your dog.

Improving Your Dog's Teeth Could Save His Life:

If you aren’t taking care of your dog’s teeth right now, don’t feel bad… You’re not alone! According to The American Animal Health Association, almost two out of three of pet owners don’t provide basic dental care recommended by their veterinarians. Considering four out of five dogs over the age of 4 already have some sort of periodontal disease, it's imperative to be proactive when it comes to the health of your dog's teeth. Unfortunately, routine dental cleanings at your vet can be both expensive and dangerous... The average cost to prevent dental disease in pets is $171.82. And if your dog already has dental disease it will cost you on average $531.71 to get it treated, according to a 2013 analysis conducted by VPI Pet Insurance.

And while these costs are not cheap, studies show what scares most people away is not the price - it's the process! To get your dog's teeth properly cleaned  by your veterinarian, you will have to put them asleep under anesthesia. Unfortunately this can be a major health risk for some dogs, depending on the breed, weight and age of the dog.

And Here's The REALLY  Scary Part...

Not only does a typical vet visit for dental care cost you almost $200 (or sometimes more) – it can also cost your dog their life!

Here's just one story from the Sante Fe Scoop site:

“On January 23, 2012 I lost my dear Pug Chooie, she was only six-years-old and like a child to me. Chooie died after having her teeth cleaned at a Veterinarian who has been in business for thirty years. Upon telling Chooie's story to others I have been horrified to find out that the issue with Anesthesia and pugs is worse than I realized and that Chooie should have never had the procedure in the first place. A quick search on the internet pulls up thousands of results on the subject. I called a local Veterinary office looking for a new Vet and a girl who answered the phone knew about Pugs and the risks of being put under. A friend of mine has a Pug with bad teeth, when she asked about a cleaning her Vet told her straight out she would never make it through the procedure.”

Studies on this subject have been conducted and the results are pretty shocking:

WARNING: Dental Cleaning Creates Complications For 300 Dogs

The Journal For The American Animal Hospital Association did a study to evaluate the health risks of a ROUTINE dental cleaning. Over 300 of the dogs in this study had major complications including low blood pressure abnormal heart rhythm and even death due to complications of sedation.
Source: Journal For The American Animal Hospital Association

So while I would never suggest you skip a trip to the vet, I am most definitely saying the most important gift you can give your dog is a good daily dental routine.

Think about it…

Can you imagine if the only time you brushed your teeth was at your annual dental visit?

Let’s face it - even if you went to your dentist twice a year, it wouldn’t take long for your teeth to rot right out of your mouth!

There Has To Be A Better Way:

After losing my Great Dane Truman to cancer – it became my mission to become a smarter dog mom. You see it wasn’t until Truman died that I realized how much I had let him down. Even though it’s hard for me to admit now, the truth is simple: I didn’t go the extra step to give him what he needed to truly thrive. I learned the hard way I needed to be more vigilant about my dog’s full care - especially something basics like giving him good daily doggy dental care! It matters more than you know:

"Home Oral Hygiene Can Reduce Risk Of Associated Health Complications"

“Home oral hygiene can improve the periodontal health of the patient, decrease the progression of the disease and decrease the frequency of or eliminate the need for professional dental cleaning. Implementing home oral hygiene at a young age can help the pet accept life-long oral care. When properly cared for, teeth can remain in healthy condition in the mouth, and the risk of associated health complications can be reduced.”

Source: The American Veterinary Dental College

The "Gel That Keeps The Doctor Away" Solution

It doesn’t get any easier than to take care of your dog’s teeth every single day. Not only will you be instantly rewarded with more kissable, lickable, doggie breath - you can keep their gums healthier too…

Introducing A 100% All Natural
4 in 1 Dental Gel

Easy to apply directly to the teeth and gums every day. Use in your pet's mouth 1 to 2 times daily, ideally before bed time.

Using Gel Me every day helps freshen bad breath and control bacteria. When used properly, improvement is seen within 3-8 weeks.

Your furry friend's gums will look and feel fresh all day. Gently lift your pet's lip to expose gums and use in each side of mouth, and voila!

Gel Me is designed to boost a healthy immune system ridding bacteria and free radicals throughout the mouth and body.

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"Good Dental Hygiene At Home Is The Most Cost-Effective Way To Keep Your Pets Pain-free."

“It’s something you do every morning, part of your daily routine—brush your teeth. While most people take care of their own mouths, they often forget that they also should take care of their pet’s teeth through a regular dental health care regimen,” One of the most common problems veterinarians see in pets is dental disease, and, unfortunately, these issues can get serious if untreated. I remind pet owners that an untreated dental infection can spread to the heart, kidneys and other organs, and suddenly become life threatening. Practicing good dental hygiene at home, in addition to regular dental cleanings by your veterinarian, is the most efficient and cost-effective way to keep your pets healthy, comfortable and pain-free."

Source: Dr. Clark K. Fobian, president of the AVMA

Veterinarian Approved


With TruDog's® 'Gel Me' you can be assured knowing that this is a Veterinarian Approved product.

'Gel Me' is a 4 in 1 natural solution to maintaining healthy teeth and gums for your pets.

This easy to use gel uses all natural ingredients and is safe to use on both cats and dogs!

"I Have A New Tool Against Tartar!"

"As a holistic veterinarian I am always in search of natural products for my patients. TruDog® Gel Me is a great addition. I feel like I have a new "tool" against tartar. TruDog® Gel Me is a great way to care for your dog’s teeth, and minimize the frequency of dental cleaning under general anesthesia. Together with regular dental check-ups using TruDog® Gel Me will help your pet keep their teeth healthy all their lives." - Dr. Jan E. Hale

Gel Me Is Formulated With All Natural, Holistic Ingredients Including:

Grape Seed Extract

Recent research from the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), primarily with animals, indicates standardized Grape SEED* extract to be useful for treating health problems related to free radical damage. Many holistic veterinarians also encourage the use Grape SEED* extract on dogs because the SEEDS* of grapes contain powerful proanthocyandidins, a group of antioxidants that fight bacteria, including the bacteria in the mouth of your dog.

Grape SEED* extract provides incredible nutrients and antioxidants:

1. Helping to prevent dental plaque
2. Helping to mitigate oral and gum diseases
3. Containing potent antioxidant properties

SPECIAL NOTE: This oil is extracted from the grape SEED. Please do NOT confuse this ingredient with the flesh or the skin of the grape, which can be toxic to dogs due to high fructose content. This extract is used in many holistic solutions and even shelters who go the extra step to help the rescue dogs, use it.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

University of Georgia researchers have discovered GSE to be an effective antiviral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic agent for fighting many viral and bacterial infections, including E. coli.

Pets of all sizes and shapes can benefit greatly from use of grapefruit seed extract(GSE): it is an excellent remedy for skin diseases, external injuries, fungal infections, and internally, the diseases caused by parasites, bacteria, and viral or fungal infections.
Grapefruit seed extract contains amazing active ingredients that are:
1. High in vitamin C, E and bioflavonoid
2. Excellent at alkalizing body fluids
3. Reduces periodontal inflammation
4. Detoxifies, enhances and supports immune function

Peppermint Oil

The health benefits of peppermint oil have been documented back to 1,000 BC and have been found in several Egyptian pyramids. Not only is peppermint one of the oldest European herbs used for medicinal purposes, other historical accounts date its use to ancient Chinese and Japanese medicine.

Pleasantly suitable for an abundance of oral and topical uses, peppermint may be the most versatile essential oil in the world along with lavender. Containing Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin A, there are few body, health, and mind issues it cannot help.

The most potent benefits of peppermint essential oil include:

1. Freshens breath
2. Clears respiratory tract
3. Boosts energy

Rosemary Oil

Throughout history, Rosemary Oil has been used as both a physical and mental stimulant and as a remedy for muscle and joint aches, poor memory, indigestion and headaches. An effective antiseptic and an antibacterial agent, it also has excellent antioxidant properties.

Rosemary Oil has many outstanding qualities for dog dental care:
1. Natural astringent and anti-bacterial properties
2. Helps to prevent plaque from adhering
3. Natural enzyme helps to fight bad breath

Thyme Oil

The benefits of thyme essential oil have been recognized for thousands of years in Mediterranean countries. Hippocrates, also known as “the father of medicine,” even mentioned the therapeutic uses of thyme, noting it to be incredibly potent in treating respiratory diseases and conditions.

Thyme contains one of the strongest antioxidants known and is proven to kill 98% of breast cancer cells for humans. For dogs, it can help to control the pathogenic organisms responsible for tooth decay, gingivitis, and bad breath
In summary, the most potent benefits your dog gets from thyme are:
1. Helps promote the removal of toxins from the body
2. Promotes the stimulation of circulation in the body
3. Can kill bacteria as well as keep them away from organs

Neem Seed Oil

Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a tree that grows in tropical places such as India, and Africa. It belongs to the Mahogany (Meliaceae) family. The oil from the seeds of this tree are considered to be the most powerful "essence" of the Neem tree.
With anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, recent studies have also found that compounds in Neem seed extract may have anti-cancerous properties.

Taken internally by pets, Neem seed oil can boost their immune system and provide a concentrated source of antioxidants to helpcombat damage caused by aging as well as environmental toxins.
Neem seed oil benefit dogs in numerous ways:

1. Help prevent bacteria from adhering to teeth (prevents plaque)
2. Helps prevent and reverse gum disease
3. Natural breath freshener with antibacterial properties


New Customers Only!

  • Safe and 100% All Natural!
  • Controls Unwanted Tartar!
  • Freshens Bad Breath!
  • Gets Gums Healthy!
  • Boost Immune System!
  • Veterinarian Approved Formula!
  • ...And So Much More!
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Check Out What Other People Are Saying About TruDog®...

“My dog 's teeth are pretty bad and her breath even worse. I knew the spray was going to be a challenge since she's such a small dog and very small mouth. So I went with the gel and I love it! She does so well and her breath and teeth have so improved just after a few weeks- thanks Trudog!” - Kate M, NJ

“This product works great ! I can see the difference almost immediately. I will definitely recommend it to my friends from the dog's park.” – Robert C, NV

“Have been using this for 3 weeks now and my dogs teeth do look better and his breath has improved greatly.” – Stan F, CO

Why TruDog® Is Different

"Through my journey starting TruDog® I've partnered with well known holistic vets to produce all natural and effective solutions to many of the problems our four legged, furry family members run into. I am so confident that you'll love our products that I back them with a 100%, no questions asked 60 day guarantee. If you're not 100% satisfied, we'll refund your last order!

I only ask one thing in return:

You don’t take a bottle if you just like coupons and good deals with no intention of really giving it a fair chance. If I can help just one dog live a healthier, happier, longer lifethan I will be one step closer to my mission of helping all dogs live the best life they can!"
-Lori R. Taylor (Founder/CEO)

Pick up TruDog’s ‘Gel Me’ for as low as $29.95 JUST $14.95!
On Your First Order For Giving Us A Try!

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60 Day Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee

We are so sure that you will be 100% satisfied that we are going to offer a 60 day full money-back guarantee – just to try it! If for some reason you or your dog is not satisfied with our product, don’t hesitate to return to us for a FULL refund at any time. We’re serious, for a full 2 months, if you don’t see a happier, healthier dog simply contact us for a full, no questions asked refund.

*Good on any future purchase of $40 or more at our store. This offer is only valid in the United States (and Canada with extra shipping). For more questions please contact our support team at